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Straight North

Straight North


New York, New York, United States

Chicago, Illinois, United States

Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Charlotte, North Carolina, United States

Los Angeles, California, United States



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Straight North 是一家行业领先的数字营销机构,拥有 100 多名专家,利用数据、技术和卓越的服务来实现收入增长。

自 1997 年以来,我们已与数千家企业合作,定制并执行了取得成果的成功活动,并赢得了数百条五星评价。

SEO:我们为各行各业的众多企业提供领先的 SEO 服务。我们经验丰富的专业团队专注于 B2B、B2C、电子商务、本地、全国、小型企业和企业活动,确保为每个客户提供量身定制的策略。通过密切关注 SEO 行业的动态,我们不断调整和采用最新的成熟方法来推动成果。我们致力于在不断发展的 SEO 领域保持领先地位,以便我们的客户获得一流的解决方案。

付费广告:我们的付费广告服务包括在 Google、Bing、Facebook 和 Instagram 上投放的广告活动。我们技术精湛的团队,加上他们对 AI 驱动的竞价和预算管理技术的掌握,帮助我们让您在竞争中保持领先地位。我们根据您的特定业务目标量身定制每个广告活动,确保最佳覆盖范围和与目标受众的互动。通过利用高级分析和实时数据,我们不断完善和调整策略,以最大限度地提高投资回报率。无论您的目标是提高品牌知名度、增加网站流量还是提高转化率,我们全面的付费广告方法都能带来可衡量的结果。


创意:我们的创意团队支持全面数字营销策略的每个组成部分 - 从引人入胜的现场体验到强大的付费社交广告 - 以吸引受众的注意力。

请立即联系我们,了解为何数百家代理商选择 Straight North 作为其最后一家代理商。

$2,500 - 5,000
  • 6 个月以上
  • United States
  • 英语


FMH 向 Straight North 寻求策略,以吸引更多受众、增加销售线索并通过数字营销渠道加速收入增长。


Straight North 有一个双管齐下的解决方案:搜索引擎优化和付费搜索活动。 SEO 活动的重点是用户友好的内容、减少关键字蚕食并改进内部链接。 Straight North 利用其 AI 功能来改进 PPC 活动。


有机潜在客户增加了 160%。有机网站流量增加了 335%。付费搜索线索增加了 31%,而每月支出保持不变 - 每次转化费用 (CPA) 下降 24% 是主要推动力。


Bluepay 是一家领先的信用卡处理商,它聘请 Straight North 通过其网站产生更多潜在客户来发展业务。


Straight North 和 BluePay 在 SEO 和 PPC 等多项业务上合作了 10 年。 10 年来,BluePay 成为信用卡行业的在线权威,并通过其网站产生了 100,000 多个经过验证的潜在客户。


在 10 年的合作期间实现同比收入显着增长后,BluePay 被出售给了一家财富 500 强公司。 BluePay 的 CMO 提供了以下引述:“Straight North 的计划始终如一地提供更多潜在客户、更好的潜在客户和更便宜的潜在客户。我们非常高兴。”


Acieta 是一家领先的工业机器人自动化公司,聘请 Straight North 帮助生成其网站的潜在客户。参与包括建立一个新网站(策略、内容、设计和开发)和持续的 SEO 服务。


Straight North 主要关注网站构建期间的内容和持续的 SEO 参与。咒语越来越多,越来越好!我们为他们的博客和产品页面制作了高质量的内容,这些内容是为他们的潜在客户和搜索引擎编写的。


客户评价 “SEO 计划从第一个月起就带来了积极的投资回报率 - Acieta 的网站已经从 Straight North SEO 计划产生的潜在客户中产生了数百万美元的新业务。”

New York, New York, United States 营销公司 Straight North 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Donnelley Financial Solutions 发展业务
New York, New York, United States 营销公司 Straight North 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 New City Moving 发展业务
New York, New York, United States 营销公司 Straight North 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Iron Mountain 发展业务
New York, New York, United States 营销公司 Straight North 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Canter Power Systems 发展业务
New York, New York, United States 营销公司 Straight North 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Stand Up Guys Junk Removal 发展业务
New York, New York, United States 营销公司 Straight North 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Advanced Technical Services 发展业务
New York, New York, United States 营销公司 Straight North 获得了 BBB A+ 奖项
New York, New York, United States 营销公司 Straight North 获得了 UpCity Excellence Award 奖项
New York, New York, United States 营销公司 Straight North 获得了 10BestDesign SEO Web Design Award 奖项
New York, New York, United States 营销公司 Straight North 获得了 10BestSEO Award 奖项
New York, New York, United States 营销公司 Straight North 获得了 The Manifest 奖项
New York, New York, United States 营销公司 Straight North 获得了 Clutch Best B2B Company in Illinois 奖项


平均评分的依据是来自谷歌地图和 Semrush 的评价。
Andy McTavish
Dec 12, 2024

Straight North has been a fantastic partner for our SEO strategy! Their team is incredibly knowledgeable and stays ahead of the latest trends, ensuring we get the best results possible. They’re also impressively flexible, tailoring their approach to meet our specific goals and challenges. Whether it’s technical SEO, content strategy, or keyword targeting, they deliver with professionalism and expertise. Highly recommend Straight North for anyone looking to elevate their online presence.

Suzanne Coblentz
Dec 18, 2024

I have been working with the team at Straight North for over nine months and, they've exceeded expectations. Most importantly, they have delivered on objectives originally communicated, remaining steadfast and focused despite unforeseen business challenges. If your goal is to scale sustainably, this is the team you want to engage.

Latex Agent
Dec 28, 2023

Straight North has been our SEO experts for several years, and they have provided us with an excellent experience. Their reporting on the lead generation is flawless and has lead to many new customers. Communication with my team lead, Greg, is quick and productive every time. Their entire staff is extremely knowledgeable and helpful. I highly recommend Straight North.

Iron Mountain Refrigeration
Nov 3, 2023

Straight North has been a fantastic addition to our marketing team. The communication and reporting is far above any we have worked with previous, and they have always taken the time to explain things and answer our questions as they come. Our account manager, Brent Tucker, responds to emails quickly and provides content for review on time each month. Overall we are very happy with the services from Straight North.

Equip Trucking
Apr 11, 2024

We have been working with Straight North for a few months now. They have communicated consistently, provided us with feedback and answered all of our questions. Justin and the rest of the team have been great! We have noticed our phones are ringing more often and we believe it's due to the SEO results that Straight North has helped us achieve.





New York, New York, United States的营销公司