Signing Off: How To Write a Powerful Conclusion | Semrush

Signing Off: How To Write a Strong Conclusion

Margarita LoktionovaMar 20, 20237 min read

Endings are always bittersweet, but none so much as when it comes to writing.

Putting together a tasty conclusion is no mean feat; some writers consider it the most difficult part of their job.

This blog post will show you how to write a conclusion that lets you sign off in style—no matter what content you’re developing. Let’s read on!

What Is a Conclusion?

What Is a Conclusion?

The conclusion of any article comes at the end of the piece, where it summarizes everything the user just read.

If you want to write a meaningful conclusion, you need to answer the “so what?” questions.

  • So what’s the big deal about the previous couple of hundred or thousand words?
  • So what is the broader context of your article?
  • So what was the point you were making?

Answering these questions in your blog post conclusion provides a neat opportunity to sum up your overall article.

It allows for one last chance to strike a chord with a larger audience. Essentially, it tells your readers why this topic is important and why people should care.

Here’s an example of a blog post conclusion on copywriting:

It sums up to the reader what it takes to get good at copywriting and reiterates that it is a skill that can be mastered.

It then explains how good copywriting and copywriters can benefit a company.

In two paragraphs it answers the two “so what?” questions — So what is copywriting? So what can it do for me? — raised by the article.

Why It’s Important To Get Blog Post Conclusions Right

Why It’s Important To Get Blog Post Conclusions Right

It’s important to get your conclusions spot-on. That might sound obvious, but it’s more than just perfection for perfection’s sake.

Your conclusion will leave a lasting taste of whatever you have to say. Its key goal is to help the reader walk away with clear takeaways from the article.

On the other hand, it can also help you move the reader to the next step: for example, via a call to action to try a product or explore another piece of content.

This conclusion from an article about onboarding published in the Harvard Business Review is a good example of an effective conclusion:

How to write conclusions - example from the Harvard Business Review

It clearly lays out why onboarding is so important and how it can benefit a company.

It also ends with a nice kicker that pushes the targeted reader into adopting onboarding as part of a way of looking to the future.

Good conclusions make sure the whole blog post is strong and form a key part of the blog formatting process.

How To Write Powerful Conclusions

How To Write Powerful Conclusions

If the previous section included ideas on what to include in your inclusion, what follows is a list of tips for writing powerful blog post endings.

1. Address the reader

Don’t underestimate the power of the word “you.” Addressing the reader directly—such as by using the word “you”—is a great way of making a stronger bond with that person.

You can recruit them to your cause and make them feel that your business or organization understands their hopes and dreams.

Use the word “you” to address your reader and build a stronger, more personal bond with them at the same time.

Here’s an example from a blog post about Instagram feeds by Creatopy:

How to write conclusions - example from Creatopy

2. Condense your major points

Sum up all the major arguments you made in your article in the conclusion.

However, remember not to wax lyrical while doing this. Keep the reminders punchy and to the point.

Did you have an entire section on the importance of building buyer personas? Condense this to “build strong buyer personas” in your conclusion.

Condensing your points like this will result in your conclusion reading well and strong rather than petering out.

Here’s an example from a Semrush blog post about building a content hub:

How to write conclusions - example from Semrush

3. Use a powerful “kicker”

In journalism, writers look for a powerful quote or fact to end on.

This is known as the “kicker” because it is designed to give the reader a kick, like eating something spicy.

This is something you can replicate in your blog post.

Did you find a particularly inspiring quote while doing your research, or arrive at an interesting idea with a catchy turn of phrase?

Use this as your last sentence to provide a kicker for your article and ensure you stay in your readers’ minds for as long as possible.

Check out a powerful example from a blog post we found on Copyblogger:

How to write conclusions - example from Copyblogger

4. Maintain a consistent tone of voice

Remember to keep the tone of your conclusion in line with the rest of the article.

Sometimes the challenge of crafting a good ending can throw a wrench in your writing style. You might be tempted to write your conclusion in a more serious or more playful tone.

However, it’s key to maintain a consistent and relevant tone throughout the entire piece of content.

To illustrate, this conclusion on a blog post by Animalz follows the same witty and knowledgeable tone of voice as the rest of the article.

How to write conclusions - example from Animalz

5. Automate Your Efforts

Use AI content writing tools like ContentShake AI to craft high-performing content and write engaging conclusions faster.

Here’s how it works:

Simply add your topic idea, and the tool will generate a ready-to-publish, SEO-friendly article for you. 

If you’d like to get more options for your article’s conclusion, head to the AI Chat and do it in one click.

Things To Include in Your Conclusions

Things To Include in Your Conclusions

There are no hard-and-fast rules for writing a conclusion. However, there are stylistic options you can follow to make them more memorable.

Start a Debate

One thing you can include in your conclusion is starting a debate, where you can push your audience to come up with some answers of their own.

This conclusion, taken from a blog post about the no-code movement, offers an excellent example of how to do that:

How to write conclusions - example of starting a debate

This conclusion is punchy. It works by laying out a few big (and potentially controversial) predictions and then asking the reader for their thoughts on the no-code movement.

You can debate your conclusions to engage with your audience, create discussions, and even encourage people to share your blog post.

Add a Call to Action

It is a great idea to include a strong call to action (CTA) in your conclusion. As one of the last things they will remember from your article, it can help push readers to follow your suggestion.

It can also help you move them down the content marketing funnel and generate conversions.

Here is an example from Adobe of how to include a clear CTA in a really strong conclusion:

How to write conclusions - example from Adobe

Ahead of Adobe’s 2021 networking summit, this blog post explained the benefits of signing up for Adobe’s Community hub.

The CTA in the conclusion pushes readers on two occasions to “check out” or “learn more” about the hub, both of which are simple yet strong CTAs.

It’s a great way of reminding readers about the point of the blog post while wrapping it up.

Another example of a CTA to include in your conclusion is a free download. Check out this article's conclusion from a piece on working remotely:

How to write conclusions - example of adding a CTA

The free offer in this conclusion helps build a relationship with your reader.

By offering help and advice, they’ll know to come to you in the future and will be keen to read your articles for more help.

Keep Them Wanting More

Are you planning any follow-up articles? Have you already published some? If so, drop hints about them.

How to write conclusions - example from Prettier

The above shows how Khalil Stemmler keeps readers engaged by offering them more content.

Offering your reader the idea that more content will be available soon is the perfect incentive to keep them coming back.

Wrapping Up

Wrapping Up

A good conclusion is the cherry on top of any strong blog post. Following the hints and tips we shared will help you craft killer conclusions to round off your blog posts.

Use Semrush’s paraphrasing tool to help condense your major points and turn them into punchy lines for your conclusion.

Remember that the purpose of a solid conclusion is to firmly state why your article is important in the first place, before getting your reader to come back for more.

Now it’s your turn to start writing those conclusions—good luck!

To create engaging conclusions in one click, use ContentShake AI. Enter any topic or keyword and generate an engaging piece of content in one click.

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