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Velocity Sellers Inc

Velocity Sellers Inc


Jericho, New York, United States



在 Velocity Sellers,我们不仅仅是一家代理机构;我们还是一家代理机构。我们是您充满活力的电子商务合作伙伴,专注于征服亚马逊及其他市场。我们的热情推动了量身定制的全面服务,将您的品牌推向电子商务领域的新高度。

植根于为您独特的品牌形象精心设计的以结果为导向的战略,我们超越“好”,追求卓越。我们的财富 500 强级专家涵盖电子商务的各个方面 - 从战略规划、广告管理和 SEO 优化到引人注目的列表文案和数据驱动的市场洞察。




加入 Velocity Sellers 建立合作伙伴关系,致力于推动您的品牌在电子商务方面取得无与伦比的成功。让我们一起征服这个不断扩张的电子商务世界的海洋。

$2,500 - 5,000
  • 1-3 个月
  • Canada
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • 英语


尽管在其他渠道取得了成功,但在与 Velocity Sellers 合作发展业务之前,HALO 在亚马逊上几乎没有销售额。自加入以来,HALO 使用亚马逊上的供应商中心和卖家中心发展了其最主要的电子商务渠道。


Velocity Sellers 通过使用专有技术、最佳实践和平台的一致开发实现了 HALO 的目标。


结果 • 销售额从每年 0 美元增加到每年数百万美元 • 广告费用为 12% ACOS。


学校用品公司开展的广告活动成本非常高。他们拥有 750 多种产品,但没有使用关键字对其进行优化,也没有创建 A+ 页面。他们每年都会不断地向产品线中添加产品,但没有增长战略。


Velocity Sellers 创建了更高效的广告活动,并实施了优惠券和促销活动。他们的列表得到了优化,最畅销的页面为 A+ 页面。 Velocity 卖家就帐户问题直接与亚马逊工作人员沟通,以确保目录正确无误


业绩:较去年同期增长50% |年初至今销售额的 27% 来自广告 600% 回报 |优化目录(750 多种产品)|开发了 22 个 A+ 页面




Velocity Sellers 为这家家居用品公司发起了重要的改进。我们优化了供应商中心的搜索列表,管理了赞助广告,并推出了由亚马逊物流支持的第 3 方卖家中心商店。最初,我们解决了广告报告中记录的各种问题。


成就:2 个月内赞助产品收入激增 80% | 4 个月内有机转化率增长 20% |卖家中心毛利率达到 35% |零售价 10% 的可持续广告活动 |前 6 个月销售额增长 40%

Jericho, New York, United States 营销公司 Velocity Sellers Inc 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Sportsman Guide 发展业务
Jericho, New York, United States 营销公司 Velocity Sellers Inc 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 RTIC 发展业务
Jericho, New York, United States 营销公司 Velocity Sellers Inc 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Pastorelli 发展业务
Jericho, New York, United States 营销公司 Velocity Sellers Inc 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 FlexiSnake 发展业务
Jericho, New York, United States 营销公司 Velocity Sellers Inc 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Yogibo 发展业务
Jericho, New York, United States 营销公司 Velocity Sellers Inc 通过 SEO 和数字营销帮助了 Cleto Reyes 发展业务
Jericho, New York, United States 营销公司 Velocity Sellers Inc 获得了 Amazon Verified Partner 奖项
Jericho, New York, United States 营销公司 Velocity Sellers Inc 获得了 Amazon SPN certified 奖项
Jericho, New York, United States 营销公司 Velocity Sellers Inc 获得了 Amazonadvertising Sponsored Ads Accreditation 奖项


平均评分的依据是来自谷歌地图和 Semrush 的评价。
Six Gldn
Oct 24, 2024

We are cautious and intentional with who we partner with. Velocity came highly recommended to us and this team did not disappoint. They are incredibly knowledgeable, very timely in all responses, strategic, organized, trustworthy, and all around the people you want to partner with to grow your sales on Amazon.

Shane @ Real Milk Paint Co
Aug 16, 2024

We have partnered with Velocity Sellers for multiple years now. Working with their team has been a pleasure! If you're not an expert on Amazon, I recommend you get in touch with the experts at Velocity Sellers. You won't regret it!

Dwayne Siever
Aug 9, 2024

We have been with Velocity for a few years now!! We know we can count on them 100 percent for a rapid response when Amazon throws a curve ball . Their knowledge and advice has been invaluable . And they are just Awesome fine people to work with. Get on board if they can fit you in !!

Frank Rabinovitch
Oct 13, 2022

We had been on Amazon for 10 years prior to engaging Velocity Sellers. Our growth on the platform was minuscule. At the time of this writing it has been 6 months since partnering with Velocity and our current growth is 20% month over month. What a difference! James on the Velocity team is our sales leader and he has walked us and his team through a complete revamp of our listings and store front. We love James and his cool, calm way! Definitely two thumbs up for Velocity thus far - they know their way around Amazon.

Deborah Parker
Oct 13, 2022

We've been working with Jake, James and their entire team to launch our store on Amazon over the last 12+ months. The entire team is responsive, creative, organized and professional. They have met and exceeded our goals for onboarding our products, getting us set up with advertising, vines, and more. Any time we've had questions, they have patiently answered them, guided us on accessing reports, and helping us generally understand how the entire platform works. I cannot recommend Velocity Sellers enough!





It takes about 3 minutes.

It takes about 3 minutes.