Semrush Toolkits
Keyword Overview
Why do I see "SERP not found" in Keyword Overview?

Why do I see "SERP not found" in Keyword Overview?

If metrics for a keyword can be found in the Keyword Overview report but not the SERP, most likely, this is because a keyword is included in our Keyword database but not in our Domain Analytics database. SERP analysis is available only for those keywords that are in our Domain Analytics database, and in general, our Keyword database is bigger than our Domain Analytics database.

However, there is a workaround solution: you can get the SERP data by updating the SERP-related metrics (KD, Intent, SF, Results, and SERP analysis) in real-time. Click on Update metrics either in the upper right corner of the interface or in the SERP Analysis section. The tool takes about 5 minutes to update the data.

An example of the Keyword Overview report with a red rectangle highlighting the blue Update metrics button at the top-right of the widgets.

This feature uses your “Keyword metrics updates per month” limit. The number of times you can get fresh metrics for your target keyword per month depends on your subscription level:

  • Free - n/a
  • Pro - 250
  • Guru - 1000
  • Business - 5000
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